Life Advice For Young People - Part 2

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life advice for young people part two we're picking up right where we left off in part one if you haven't watched part 1 go do so that was very foundational and I won't be repeating at least I won't be trying to repeat the same material here again we're building and adding more so right off the bat and I should have really mentioned this in part one since this is a conversation for young people is that your youth is your most precious resource I remember reading a book a long time ago by a famous multi-millionaire Felix Dennis who's actually the founder of Maxim magazine and he was not just Maxim magazine but he ran an entire publishing Empire in the UK and he was giving advice for how to become wealthy and his standards of wealth were extremely high yeah his net worth is I think 750 million dollars before he died he died not too long ago from cancer but he had this amazing chapter which really made me think twice and I never will forget it where he talks about just how precious of a resource youth is and he put it like this in a nutshell he said that if he could take his entire empire publishing Empire worth 750 million dollars and if he could trade that to become 20 years old again and he was writing this probably in his 60s so if he could trade all of everything he's developed and earned to be 20 years old again but losing all of it so he's sort of starting from scratch he would he would take that deal that's how much your youth is worth if you use it properly assuming you use it properly that you don't squander it but what's happening with most people these days is that there's squandering their youth it's extremely easy to squander your youth these days especially if you're growing up in a developed part of the world where life is relatively easy your parents are paying for stuff for you you don't really need to work very hard you can just play video games and mmo's and fortnight and all this sort of stuff and you can just sort of like live this numbed existence where you're just doing the bare minimum to survive this is what it means to squander your youth or to squander it by partying all the time with your friends or to squander it in various kinds of young immature relationships which go around in circles they're dysfunctional they don't go anywhere and they of course they always break up and so be very very careful about how you're investing your time and this should really start once you get to like 15 years old once you're already 15 you're at a point in your life where you need to be developing and investing into your future that's what most of your time should be spent doing whether that's through school through work through independent projects that you're doing whatever there's lots of different ways that you can be investing in yourself we talked about some of that in part one you're finding your passions and you're following those but it's not just passion it's you have to think more strategically about how you're going to be investing your most precious resource which is your time and your youth and the energy that you have while you're young see because it's all gonna get much harder as you get older because as you get older you can have health problems you're gonna have lower energy your hormones are gonna start to dip after your 30s your mental peak is gonna start to decline after your 30s you're gonna have all sorts of commitments and obligations as you get older because you're probably gonna develop you know you're gonna acquire a house that's gonna tie you down you're gonna develop longer term relationships with friends and with intimate partners and marriage and children perhaps all of that is gonna tie you down you're gonna get tied down by your career tie down by all these commitments you make so right now between the ages of like 15 and 30 let's say that's a solid 15 years right there that's where your entire life can be made or lost in that period now I'm not saying that if you're past 30 and you haven't worked on your life then you're hopeless so don't don't don't turn this into some victim mindset or some limiting belief system you can still turn your life around even in your 40s and 50s but it's harder it's a lot harder right so you want to start your life on the right foot do not waste your life in stupid activities that don't pay you anything back and I don't necessarily mean just money and I say this even though I myself have have squandered a lot of my youth playing video games so I totally get it if you're stuck playing some video game and you're singing hundreds and thousands of hours into these online games and whatever else or you're watching a bunch of TV or screwing around on YouTube and Facebook and this is taking literally hundreds and thousands of hours of your life hey I've done that stuff I've played MMOs I've gotten sucked into these sorts of time sinks and your life even in your youth your life is still long enough that you can still screw around you don't you don't need to live a perfect life so don't become neurotic about this and become some sort of workaholic where you're just working all the time you're not allowing yourself to enjoy a video game here or there or a movie or a TV show or to watch some YouTube or whatever you can enjoy life so don't get this idea that I'm I'm trying to program you with this belief that you need to be working non-stop all the time that itself is a is a trap and a toxic mindset so by no means am I saying that but also just be aware that almost everybody around you your friends your co-workers your family members they are squandering so much of their life and so much of their time and they're setting a bad example for you in most cases of course there's a few rare exceptions here and there you can find good role models but for the most part people are squandering their time and it's easier than ever to squander your time because entertainment these days is so ubiquitous it's free it's cheap there's all these streaming services you can just sit there and watch decades and decades of old shows and reruns of stuff and there's a giant catalog of video games to play and there's virtual reality that's coming and it's only getting better and graphics are getting better and video games are getting juicier and all of this and you've got pornography and you've got so our society in a sense is becoming too decadent if you're living in a developed country it's too easy it's getting so easy that your greatest enemy is just combating the complacency and laziness and the taking of life for granted that is happening all around you amongst your peers so you want to avoid falling into that complacency you want to make a commitment to make strategic long-term investments in yourself think of your life as a the ultimate do-it-yourself project in fact that's what makes me I think so passionate about life is that I've always seen it as a do-it-yourself project I'm working on myself there's all these aspects of myself that I could improve it's actually really fun and cool when you adopt that sort of frame of mind in a sense really and you guys might with this you youngsters who are stuck in in eats mmo's and online games what's exciting about these MMOs and online games if you've ever played one is that you're taking on a new identity a new persona like you're playing as some elf or you're playing as some mage or some wizard or some fighter or whatever your you're doing and and it's almost like you get to live a life within the larger life that is your whole life you're living a life within a life and there's something appealing about that because you can sort of like you have this freedom to to explore a new world and to build yourself up in this virtual world you could build yourself a house and you can acquire lots of money and you can acquire loot and you can acquire friends and guilds and do all the sorts of stuff and that becomes very addictive if you've ever got addicted to something like World of Warcraft or whatever the problem though is that you sink all your time into that and then after a few years you're gonna drop that the game is gonna go out of fashion you're gonna get bored of it and then what are you gonna be left with nothing very little of what you've built there will survive and eventually that game will just be turned off the servers will be shut down and then yours gonna move on to the next game and the next game in the next game you just keep doing that doing that doing that and you're not really making a deep long-term investment in anything you see you're losing every everything that you're gaining there but what you can do is you can realize that actually you can play the game of life exactly the same way that you would play World of Warcraft or some other MMO and in fact this is the ultimate MMO right here but the trick with the MMO of life is that like I said before it's a sandbox game it's very open it's so free there's so much freedom that in a sense you get lost in the freedom of it you see there are so many things to do so many ways you can be that there's nobody holding your hand and guiding you the way that they do in world of warcraft see world of warcraft you just start doing quests and the quests are designed by the designers in such a smart way that is like you just do one quest at least the next quest at least the next quest your level ups are all guaranteed basically you know exactly what you got to do you got to go kill a hundred rats kill a thousand orcs whatever get the loot that you know you're gonna get by killing those orcs and those rats and going to that dungeon and so it's all planned out it's all mapped out for you just you get on the rail and it's just like this amusement park ride but with life it's not like that with life it's a much more what do you want out of it you have to be the the designer so to speak of your own game of your own life you've to set your own objectives you have to have enough vision to see the possibilities cuz there's so much freedom you have the freedom to just sit at home and to watch Netflix all day or to play video games or you have the freedom to build an amazing business and send people to Mars or to the moon or you you can you can develop yourself into it into a ridiculously POW overpowered character you see but most people what they do is like they don't treat their life that way they're they treat life as though it's this sort of like well everyone's life is sort of the same we wake up we shower we go to work for eight hours we come back home we eat we clean we cook and then we we go and we you know get a few hours of entertainment then we do it all over again the next day they're not treating their life as an adventure they're not treating their life as this work of art to see what can you create with your life and that's of course because life is more challenging than a game the stakes are higher there's real pain and suffering that you don't quite get any game and you have to work harder at it to achieve your goals whereas in a game you can just screw around and then it's easy to get money in a game easy to get loot in a game and so forth this is harder to do in real life but then again even though it's harder it takes more investment it takes more commitment it takes more vision also the payoff is greater as well you have to realize that take risks and don't be afraid to fail in life fail more fail faster the real danger is not that you're gonna take some crazy risk the real danger is that you're gonna be complacent and do nothing and that you're just going to get the same result that everybody around you is getting which is a mediocre result what you should be scared to death of is not taking some bold action like starting a business and then maybe failing at it or getting into this relationship and maybe failing at it or traveling to this new country and living there and maybe failing at it and having to return back home these are not the real risks all of that is great stuff that will grow you even if you fail at it and those failures will be investments that you're actually making into building the foundation for the rest of your life so don't worry about those sorts of failures the greatest failure you should be scared to death of is just sitting around and squandering your time and achieving nothing and investing nothing and then by the time you're 50 or 60 you have nothing to show for it but a dead-end job and just this listless passionless life that's what you should be afraid of what you should be most afraid of is getting distracted by all the frivolous unimportant stuff that's happening around you that most people are engaged in not having a vision that you're working on the next point I have for you is to commit to challenging yourself with your life stop looking for life to be easy stop trying to find the path of least resistance in life stop looking for some shortcut for how to get rich or how to quickly build a business so that it just earns you money or how to just get some quick sex or how to just get any kind of job so you just have a job stop with this bare minimum approach to life counter-intuitively as I said in part one life is very counterintuitive counter-intuitively the easier you try to make your life the harder it's gonna be but if you deliberately challenge yourself and you are the one who sets the challenges you don't wait for life to come challenging you so there's like you're like sitting at home watching TV and then you're waiting for the end of the month to roll around and then you're waiting for your landlord to come knock on your door asking you for your payment for your rent rather than waiting for life to come to you and demand things from you flip the script on that whole thing and you be the one that sets the challenges this is so crucial by challenging yourself you get to live life on your terms and then that strengthens you up such that then the demands of life they don't overwhelm you and you can easily deal with them and then also you're much more passionate about your own challenges because you get to choose them and you get to choose the the challenges you're passionate about rather than the challenges that are enforced upon you from the outside things that other people want you to do or that society demands of you because you might not be passionate about those things you might not find those things to be meaningful be wary of shortcuts and magic pills usually they don't pan out and they end up wasting your time you go from one shortcut to the next shortcut to the next shortcut hoping that it's gonna make your life easy but actually what you end up with in the end is you end up with nothing because you haven't actually built anything stable focus on building stable things in your life there's a stable way to build a business that's grounded a deep foundation or there's a flimsy way to build a business if you build a business in a flimsy way sure it might make you some decent money for a few years but it's gonna crumble and in the end you're not gonna have anything left that's gonna pay you dividends whereas if you focus on building a solid foundation for your business is gonna take longer might take you five years might take you ten years to do that but once you do it that foundation will be so solid it'll pay you dividends for a long time to come and not just that but the skills you learn and who you have to become to build a solid foundation for a business for example that's that's the real gold of life and it's not just business I'm also talking about relationships for example I'm also talking about your health and your fitness there's ways you can do fitness and health and nutrition that's flimsy or that solid always go for the solid thing what you'll find around you in society is that people are always looking for shortcuts they're always looking for handouts they're looking for the fastest flimsiest way just to make two ends meet they're not thinking long-term they're not thinking about the dividends that this will pay they're not connecting the dots and seeing that if they build a deep foundation then they're gonna be able to build a higher skyscraper long term take the time to do things right even though it's going to take more work and there's gonna be less immediate payoff and there's always going to be temptations to take shortcuts in your business in your relationships in the development of yourself even in your spiritual pursuits you will try to look for shortcuts and eventually you'll discover that life is not about finding shortcuts look for the substance don't let people fool you with flimsy solutions to to life's deepest challenges you're gonna get from life exactly the effort that you put into it in this way life is fair develop a strong work ethic this is crucial and I think that a lot of people these days millennial types are missing this I think in past generations our parents and ancestors and grandparents life simply demanded of them that they develop a strong work ethic from their youth whereas now a society is becoming more decadent there's this glut of entertainment and games and movies and so forth ways to stimulate yourself that kids grow up and they get into their early 20s and they have no work ethic because they just coasted through life their parents paid for their games paid for their movies paid for everything they didn't have to work until they got into their mid-20s or something and by that point you're like you're like a lion who wasn't taught how to hunt because you've just been fed food from the grocery store your entire upbringing you need that strong worth that work ethic because how else are you gonna actually fulfill on your vision and on all of your potential in your life that takes work also my advice to you is that you set a set a high standard for yourself what you tend to get in life is whatever your lowest standard is so whatever your lowest standard is for the house that you want to live in that's probably the house you'll end up living in whatever your lowest standard is for the relationship you're willing to tolerate that's probably the relationship you'll end up with whatever your lowest standard is for the kind of career or job that you have that's probably the kind of career job that you're gonna have whatever your lowest standard is for how much money should be in your bank account like for example if you're satisfied with having $10,000 in your bank account that's probably how much you're gonna have and this goes all across every domain of life your physical appearance your weight what kind of food you put in your body if your standard for the kind of food you eat is that you're satisfied with the cheap $2.00 McDonald's hamburger that's probably what you're gonna end up feeding yourself but if your standards that you want to eat high quality foods then you're not gonna settle for anything less than going to Whole Foods and getting the the most wholesome kind of ingredients and then if you say well Billy I can't afford it but see if your standard was higher then you wouldn't settle for the excuse at all well I can't afford to shop at Whole Foods every day you would go and you would find a way to got enough money so that you can afford it because it all hinges on what your standards are most people have such low standards for all these different areas in their life they're willing to settle for mediocrity now of course you can take this overboard you can become perfectionistic and you can just be chasing luxury and and perfection all the time whether it's with your sexual partners or with your money or with your career that also becomes neurotic so I'm not saying you should do that but you do want to have high standards have high standards for the people that you relate with have high standards for your friends don't just let anybody be your friend have some standards don't just sleep with anybody have some standards have some standards for the kind of teachers you learn from have standards with the kind of books you read have standards for the kind of environment that you live in see it's having these standards that then pushes you to go and then to actually achieve them it's also important that you aim beyond basic survival in life if your life is just gonna be about survival and getting by and it's just gonna be about utility and pragmatism there's no way you're ever going to be satisfied with life the greatest joys of life are not basic survival and they are not pragmatic and utilitarian you can become very successful and wealthy by being highly pragmatic and utilitarian but it won't be satisfying there's a deeper dimension to life than survival that doesn't mean you have to ignore survival survival is still crucial it's just that survival is is the bare minimum and then we're going beyond that and really when we're talking about going beyond survival that's putting us into spirituality another advice I have for you is to commit to never doing mindless work there are many jobs you can get where you are just pumping out widgets that have no larger meaning in the world they don't add anything to the advancement of mankind you're licking stamps or you're selling coffee at Starbucks or you're flipping burgers now don't get me wrong in the ultimate grand scheme of things everything even flipping burgers and filling coffee cups at Starbucks and pumping out widgets even that ultimately is advancing society you might say well Leo how can society exist and be advanced if there aren't people cleaning toilets and mopping floors and doing this grunt work and like I said in the grand scheme of things of course but that's not where you want to be where you want to be is you want you want to put yourself into a position where your work is actually advancing mankind in a conscious way beyond something like mopping floors or filling coffee cups right there's more you can do with your life than filling [ __ ] coffee cups for eight hours a day if that's the most intelligent use of your life that you can think of then I don't know it breaks my heart makes me feel sorry for you that that that out of all the things you could do in life all the things you could invent and create all the people you could lead all the relationships you could craft all the technology that's possible all the advancement all of this amazing stuff all the books you could ride all the movies you could make and all the different adventures you can go on you are going to settle for filling cups with coffee for eight hours a day you can't think of anything better to do you're wasting your life it's like God gave you this incredible gift and you're just pissing all over it that's what you're doing when you're settling for something like that there are many jobs where you can get well-paid for just sitting around and doing almost nothing secretarial type work or where your boss is telling you to do something then you do it and then he doesn't even use your work it was just some project that you know was gonna go somewhere but it ends up going nowhere it doesn't actually add to the development of mankind in some way if you've ever done this kind of work you know how soul-crushing it can be so make a commitment never to get crap in that make sure that your work is contributing to the Ansett of mankind that's how you end up making sure that what you're doing has meaning that you can be passionate about it and that you could you can feel like you're not just going to work but that you're actually contributing to society in some important way and if you're at a job like that to begin with that's okay I'm not saying that you have to be so arrogant and lack the humility to ever do some grunt work know when when grunt work is called for you do some grunt work but that grunt work should be a stepping stone towards something larger so if you got a mop floors for a year in order to save up enough money so that then you can maybe put yourself through art school and then become a great artist then that's totally fine because you were mopping those floors to ultimately become a great artist so it was all just it was just an extension of that you see and so in this way the mopping of the floors was simply just a part of you doing your art but if you're just mopping floors and that's it and there's nothing beyond that then that's the problem right there another tip I have for you is don't over plan your future you need to be adaptable improvisational and opportunistic give your life room to breathe and to unfold if you just sit back and you make a plan for how your whole life should unfold like you say well I'm gonna go to college I'm gonna become a lawyer then I'm after grad school I'm gonna become you know an entry-level lawyer then I'm an equal partner in a firm that I'm gonna earn a lot of money then I'm gonna have a wife and a family and children and this then I'm gonna retire and I move gonna move there this is way too much over planning you want to look for opportunity so you don't want to have no plan at all you want to have a vision for your life and you want to be clear about what you're passionate about but also let your passion guide you and leave room for exploration so if you're passionate for example about law okay fine you're passionate about law but you don't know which kind of law maybe you would fit best in so you go and you navigate the field of law and you try different positions there and you try to find stuff that that resonates with you and then like you don't try to plan your life out too much so that as you're exploring life you see opportunities you can on those opportunities that you're free to do so don't have some rigid idea like my life has to unfold in this particular way because I guarantee you that the greatest opportunities that will come in your life you're not going to be able to predict them or to see them years in advance it's going to be something that is an opportunity that arises in the moment it's a particular time in human history that you're living in that something arises you're at a particular company with or with a particular person some opportunity presents itself and there you have to have the courage and the vision to seize on those and what that ends up meaning is that your life is not going to be a simple trajectory of like point A to point Z a straight line that you can predict from your 20s to your 60s rather ideally your life is going to be this very twisted winding process where you can go a to B to C to this and then finally you get to Z by the time you're in your 60s or 80s or something but you're jumping all over the place and it's it's very widening and the difference is gonna be that if you just plot out sort of a linear path in your life then where you're gonna get to is not going to be as great as if you go through all those winding steps and it's gonna lead you to a totally different place see maybe you have this idea that ah I'm gonna become a lawyer but then as you're pursuing law you bump into a person in your dorm room or something who presents you with some brilliant business idea and to you you can sense like oh yeah that's a great idea it's a very sort of limited by time idea that's only gonna work right now if I seize on it but no I'm just gonna continue being a lawyer because that's the vision I had for myself so that you just continue being a lawyer but Hugh sees on that opportunity and you went into business with this person maybe you would have to say no to being a lawyer but you would you would jump on that opportunity maybe that would fail but that's new opportunities ends up you'd go on jump on that and through this process you would end up in the end you would end up some something totally different not a lawyer but that's gonna suit you much better and you're gonna grow much more from that process because you're willing to dance with life so to speak you have to be willing to improvise on the fly because stuff is gonna be happening there's gonna be crises society's gonna be changing there's gonna be new technologies evolving there's gonna be new types of people you're bumping into you yourself are gonna be growing and outgrowing your old desires if you're doing this whole process correctly so you got a you have to be willing to improvise there if to take those opportunities and taking those opportunities can be very scary it's much easier to just follow some plan that you came up with this very simplistic linear plan whereas these opportunities they come with risk and with danger potential for failure of course you don't want to take unnecessary risk but if the risk is reasonable take it because just the fact that you're putting yourself into a difficult situation is gonna grow you so much more than just doing the same old thing over and over again another tip I have for you is be careful not to get stuck in a rut I recommend that when you're in your early 20s and even through your 30s that you don't tie yourself down too much with a bunch of commitments don't tie yourself down to a house don't tie yourself down to a marriage with children you want the freedom to explore yourself more you can you can tie yourself down more once you get into your 40s and 50s but in your 20s and 30s you want room for exploration you want to be able to travel to different places you want to be able to live in different cities so you don't get stuck in some complacent rut in fact I recommend that you change the city that you live in every five years at least because I find that after about five years of living in one city one place one country you just you become so complacent you start taking it all for granted and you get into a rut you have all the same friends there's no challenges anymore you know everything too much too well and you're not growing keep putting yourself in new situations start a new business start a new relationship go a little bit a different country go try out different stuff this is important this is grist for the mill of your growth if you're only feeding your mind one grist all the time then it can only process that one grist you want different kinds of grist for your mind you will be very tempted in your life to imitate others don't and this is one of the hardest things to do is to notice when you're imitating somebody else too much and to stop yourself and to force yourself to be authentically you the greatest joy in life comes from being authentically yourself from discovering yourself it's a self-discovery process when you start when you're young when you're 20 years old or something like that you might be going into art you might be going into business whatever you're doing there there's gonna be a temptation to just copy others because what they're doing you think is so great and it inspires you so much that's maybe why you even went in to that field in the first place and you are not connected with your authentic self yet you haven't discovered yourself you haven't really built yourself up you don't have that kind of confidence and what you your self are generating isn't so good so instead you have a desire to copy others copy the success of others jump on top of other fads and trends in society be very careful about this make the long-term investment not to imitate others or to chase the success of others but really to develop your own internal success by discovering your authentic passions and motivations and values this is a process that takes a years find your own voice find your own style whether you're gonna start a YouTube channel find your own way of doing a YouTube channel stop cupping up copying others or for that matter don't even start a YouTube channel because every every fool and his mom nowadays is starting a YouTube channel why are they starting a YouTube channel simply because they're imitating others they don't know what else to do they're not thinking outside the box they're not truly being creative they're not being authentically themselves they just see that oh well Leo's doing YouTube channel so I should do one or like Joe Rogan's doing one so I should do a podcast it's like I'm not saying you shouldn't start a YouTube channel or a podcast if you really have that vision but but man like look for greener pastures look for new opportunities out there they're out there you just have to start to really be creative the first few ideas that you get for what your business should be or what you should do with your life throw those away those are like junk that's the most on the nose imitative just copycat idea that you could possibly have throw all those away throw away your first 10 good ideas and then maybe your 11th good idea could really be something authentic to you something new something original that contributes something fresh to mankind we don't eat everybody the world to have a YouTube channel what we need is we need new people to find the next thing that comes after YouTube channels and after podcasts what is that thing go do that see what you're gonna be paid for and rewarded for is not copycat activity but developing something new that's hard to do but it's also very rewarding stress innovation and creativity in your life try to be innovative and creative and whatever field you're entering into and doing don't just assume that it's all been done already find new ways of doing things whether it's spirituality like it amazes me how sometimes I try to present something new within spirituality and people post me a comment like olio how dare you think that you could discover something new it's all been talked about by the Buddha for our thousand years you can't possibly discover anything new no there's there's totally new ways to do spirituality that were not discovered by the Buddha which is the whole point of spirituality spirituality would be so stale and boring if it just had to be done the same old way for thousands of years the point of spirituality if you look at the evolution of spirituality as just one example I mean you see this in every field not just spirituality is that it's constantly evolving spirituality has never been the same that's why we have this gigantic diversification of different spiritual methods and techniques and teachings that all contradict each other it's because every generation spirituality is being reinvented I mean of course the fundamental truths are basically the same but new things are happening in every field whether it's medicine computers science policy it's not staying the same it's all evolving changing be on the cutting edge that's where it's exciting that's where you can contribute the most to mankind and then reap those benefits and speaking of innovation of thinking about side the box and being creative in it's important that you learn to go beyond the mainstream most popular sources yeah every idiot and his mother listens to Joe Rogan that's not a knock on Joe Rogan he has a interesting podcast and all that and he's very successful but see if all you do is you get your information from sources that are the most mainstream the most popular then your mind is gonna get stuck on that and think along those grooves and those lines and you're not gonna generate very interesting new possibilities in your life go out there and find sources that are not popular go find some YouTube or who doesn't have a million followers or even a hundred thousand followers who has a couple thousand followers but who's generating amazing content and follow that rather than following somebody with 10 million subscribers see this is how you become creative you pull from many many different sources and perspectives and you don't just do what everybody else in the mainstream is doing now of course you can you can screw this up and you can go down the road of conspiracy theories and various weird cults and crazy you know occult practices and all of this that just because something isn't mainstream doesn't mean that it's automatically good or true or wise for you to be doing sometimes mainstream stuff is great you got to make sure that the non mainstream stuff you're finding is still high-quality stuff and that it's still truthful because there's a lot of Fringe wacky crazy stuff out there you know Alex Jones and so forth that doesn't make it good although even with something like Alex Jones I mean people who watch Alex Jones the only reason they really watch him is again because in a sort of set in a certain sense Alex Jones is the mainstream of what you would go to if you're challenging the mainstream you see so again you're not really thinking outside the box when you're watching Alex Jones it's Alex Jones is like for stupid people who want to think that they're thinking outside the box and that they're being original by engaging all these conspiracy theories that you know they think that they're being somehow oh we're challenging the mainstream but actually no you're just being stupid in some other mainstream way it's sort of in the same sense that like you know in in school you had those kids who were trying to be rebels and trying to like do the opposite of what the mainstream was they were trying to be non conformist but they were all being nonconformist in a conformist sort of way and so ironically they they had no they had no real originality because like if they got tattoos they all got tattoos of a certain kind if they all dress like Goths and they all just dressed just dressed like Goths and that was their thing and then no you weren't really being original by doing that to be truly original to go off on your own to explore some new facet of life that no human has ever discovered before that's what's amazing about life and there's an endless amount of that because reality is infinite there's no end to it so you can always discover more new stuff that's what's so amazing about it don't squander that infinity and that creativity by just rehashing the same old thing over and over again you see the power of infinity when you really understand it people sometimes think we will but you for reality's infinity Leo does that mean that it just keeps cycling over and over and over again the same things have been happening forever in a cycle an infinite number of times actually infinity is the opposite of that infinity means that everything is so endless that it can keep going and going and going forever new stuff can be generated forever without ever repeating a single time in the same way that you have the natural numbers you know one two three four five six seven eight is there any risk that the numbers will repeat if we keep counting up no you can always find a new number that that never repeats an old one that's the nature of infinity there's always a higher number there's always a new number it's endless same thing with reality in every domain there's always a new kind of movie you could make there's always a new video game a new piece of art a new piece of literature a new business a new piece of technology a new way to do science a new way to do spirituality forever and not just that but then new categories of things imagine a new category beyond technology beyond spirituality a new thing beyond science a new thing beyond movies and beyond video games and beyond virtual reality a new thing beyond computers a new thing beyond medicine a new thing beyond whatever you can already imagine something that you can't yet imagine there's some new thing there that you haven't yet imagined or discovered so go discover it and then you'll be excited by life creativity is the source of passion innocence another tip I have for you is don't get distracted by petty human [ __ ] there's a lot of pettiness human stuff I put human sort of in quotes human stuff and business and human affairs that most of the people around you are involved in gossip and politics and who did what to whom and who's a victim and who's the victimized and who's the victimizer and who started a war who's fighting who and who's judging who and who's being mean to who and who did what to who who killed who and like that's all horseshit there's no satisfaction in playing these games who slept with who who's the most famous person today who's more famous tomorrow who has more money today who has more money tomorrow this is this is the the pettiness of human affairs ground yourself and something beyond that something metaphysical spiritual existential try to imagine for example what your life would be like if you were the only human alive on the planet and there were no other humans you see how that cuts out so much [ __ ] all the gossip and all the trying to be like everybody else and trying to be social and doing all the social [ __ ] games that people do going to dinner parties and try to please each other and try to dress up a certain way and trying to earn awards and trying to please their boss and like all of that gets cut away what's life about like in that case when you cut all of that petty human [ __ ] away it's so easy to get distracted by that society and culture will constantly keep distracting you by this human petty [ __ ] trying to convince you that it's important is not important at all you need to block that stuff out don't get distracted by it keep your eye on the ball focus on your vision focus on what you want to create with your life focus on growing yourself to be a stronger human being so when people are in the streets rioting you're at home working on your vision when people are bullshitting about politics you're at home working on developing yourself you're sitting there reading a book you're sitting there contemplating and introspecting when people are going to some dinner party trying to impress each other and trying to you know brown-nose to whoever's running the dinner party to get their favors and stuff like that and building political connections you're sitting at home and you are working on your life purpose you're building your business you're investing in yourself you're meditating you're contemplating and doing this sort of stuff don't pay too much attention to what the herd around you is doing they're not doing anything profound they're engaged in surface level activity that's going to pay them very little dividends and it's gonna produce very little satisfaction for them all this petty human business don't overload your schedule with a bunch of commitments and obligations especially when you're young don't tie yourself up too much leave room for the inner work that you gotta be doing leave room for solitude leave empty time in your schedule where you can sit and meditate contemplate self-reflect read a book plan out your life vision dream imagine stuff work on some side project be creative because if you're running around all the time just doing petty chores and socializing and just doing non-stop work like business and trying to socialize with your friends and to please them and your schedule simply doesn't have enough time for you to really go inward to listen to yourself to find the deep answers that's another point that we need to underscore here is that the deepest answers to life are not found in books or from other people they're found inside yourself in moments of solitude and deep self-reflection make time for solitude make time where you can just sit for an entire day with no obligations no chores no socializing no work no entertainment no distractions no internet no social media no phone calls it just sit in solitude and think about life listen to your heart listen to your highest self listen to your creative inspirations and passions discover yourself in these moments and really a single day is not even enough you need to do retreats you need to be able to carve out an entire week in your schedule at least once a year carve out seven or ten days where you can be in total solitude by yourself secluded in meditation in contemplation in visioning in thinking about your life self reflecting doing the inner work that's where the real work happens not out there in the world when you're in the office and the cubicle you know punching away the keyboard that's not where the real work happens but most people are so busy that they don't make this time for solitude and their life reflects that their life isn't deep they're living life at the surface don't waste your time hating fighting judging criticizing blaming others negativity or trying to control others this is a huge trap the trap of trying to control other people say no to this have no desire to control anybody else but yourself have no desire to be telling others from some righteous position how they are wrong and what they're doing is bad and evil and it could be done better and then blaming them for things no that's all [ __ ] and distraction rather focus on what you need to do to be creative in your life then you're never going to be negative because you're gonna feel empowered you feel like a victim and you feel disempowered when you're not being creative but when all of your time is and energy is focused on inner work making yourself more creative more passionate growing yourself investing in yourself you know becoming more spiritual when when you're doing this you have no time and room for negativity blaming criticizing judging fighting hating it's all pointless it's a distraction and you have no desire to control or manipulate anybody else because then you become self-reliant you don't need to control somebody else or manipulate them to get you something that you can get yourself by turning inwards and anything important that's of any real value in life you can generate for yourself you don't need to control or manipulate somebody else to give it to you so why play those games go directly to the source generate it yourself create it yourself people invent all sorts of ideologies and political philosophies that are just based on negativity and blame and criticism people start entire YouTube channels and entire careers based on criticizing and hating on others they create entire identities out of fighting against conservatives or liberals or this or that while they're doing all that they're neglecting the most important thing they're taking their eye off the ball what are you gonna create for the world that's positive how are you gonna grow yourself when you're busy growing yourself you don't have time for these distractions you don't care what others are doing around you because they can't stop you you're too powerful you're too creative you don't need their approval you don't care about their criticism because you're going full steam ahead another important point I want to underscore and spend some time on is this notion that people in society will try to trick you and in fact this is one of the first things I would say if a human just landed on Earth or let's say some alien from another planet was like plopped down on earth it had to understand how society works and had to understand how to navigate people one of the first things I would tell them is be careful because people in society will try to trick you and scam you and deceive you this is just par for the course of the level of development of our current society there are scams and tricks and deceptions all around do not take people's words at face value and they're tricking you and scamming you not so much because they're evil and that you should resent them for it it's simply because they themselves are ignorant and they're looking for shortcuts and this is just a survival strategy trickery and scam artists tree is prevalent throughout all of society every business is trying to is trying to do it to you on some level entire institutions are built around this so be wary because when you yourself are not in touch with your own deep creative resources and power you still got to survive somehow in the world so how you gonna do it through trickery and deception and scamming you're gonna build a business that doesn't actually generate something new and valuable for mankind rather it tries to scam you in some way there are just so many examples of this sort of trickery all the false advertising that we see everywhere even just on the packages when you go to the grocery store the package is on the grocery store selfi shelf are trying to scam you and trick you they're advertising oh this is fat-free but really yeah it's us it's fat-free but when you look down and deep inside you look at the ingredients there's all sorts of terrible ingredients in there which are even worse than fat but of course you're trying to trick you by putting a big fat free label on the thing cuz deep down inside they know this this product is not healthy for you and it contains all sort of toxic chemicals and ingredients but they'll still put a giant fat-free as well like all fat-free it's healthy or you go to the grocery store you want to buy some some some steak for example and you asked the guy what is that is that like pasture-raised is that is that grass-fed steak that I want that I want the healthy kind and you'll say yeah sure it's grass-fed you say really that's grass-fed and he says well yeah it's I mean it's it's grass-fed but then it's grain finished see that's how the meat companies try to trick you is that they will they will take the cow sure maybe it's raised on a pasture technically but what really matters is at the very end of the cow's existence they what do they feed the cow usually what they do to get it weight up is that they feed the cow a bunch of grain to fatten it up to like double its size and then sell it to you it at double the profit see and then they label that pasture raised yeah technically it's pasture raised but then it's grain finished so you got to be like very very specific about these things and we're just talking about food here but I mean this is just but one example of you see this all around society trickery and deception everywhere people are talking to you telling you things when actually the thing they're describing is exactly the opposite of what they're trying to convince you it is people will try to trick you and deceive you in relationships in friendships in business when you go to the grocery store when you go to the restaurant oh when you are reading books when you're watching the media because most people are engaged in lying to themselves most people don't value truth very much they don't they don't hold their own feet to the fire of truth so of course that means that they're gonna be tricking deceiving and scamming in some way don't automatically assume that what somebody is telling you is true someone tells you they're enlightened don't believe them somebody tells you all this is a good deal don't believe them somebody tells you all you're gonna earn a lot of money this way the way that I did don't believe them now again it's possible to take this too far in the opposite direction where you become paranoid and you become skeptical and fearful and you're not able to to relate to anybody because you're not able to trust anybody because oh Leo told me that I can't trust anybody no that's not really what I'm telling I'm just telling you don't turn it into a paranoia or a neurosis but just be aware of how much people lie to themselves and try to lie to you and how they try to trick you and of course at the same time be aware of how you try to trick others Society is this giant game of trickery and manipulation ultimately you want to rise above that and the way you do that is by trying to by starting to notice it see there's a lot of different scams and schemes and traps that have been designed as businesses to separate you from your money without concern for your well-being most businesses do not care about your well-being or the well-being of their customers they're interested in the fastest way to make some money and usually that involves some kind of trick like for example I went to sign up for a gym membership not long ago cuz my old one expired so I was gonna buy a new one and before I was buying it like two years at a time for a membership and then and here I decided to go a month-by-month cuz I thought maybe that's a better deal for me because I haven't been using the gym so much lately so I sign up for it but it's so tricky the way that they design their pricing models this is exactly what I mean by this sort of trickery and scam artists tree is what they do is they they charge you for the first month of your membership and also for the last month at the same time such that what happens is that when you want to quit the gym like let's say I use the I have a membership I use it for a year and then I decide that like I'm moving to a different city so now I have to cancel that membership I'll have to find a new one at a new city okay so in that case the way they structure the payment is that if I cancel now they're still gonna be a whole month that I've already prepaid at the very beginning that I'm not gonna use and they know I'm not gonna use it they designed their whole system such that they basically steal a month of gym memberships from me and they do this to everybody this is just part of their business model and the people who are working in that gym like the employees who are selling this to you they don't even bat an eye about it to them this is totally normal they don't even see that there's a problem with this and yet this is how they earn their money through trickery in this sort of scamming you will find this all across society like literally everywhere almost every business resorts to some kind of trickery of this sort it's it's quite disgusting but at the same time you need to understand why it's there it's not because these people are evil they're just ignorant and they haven't been following all the principles that I've been talking about here so they have to resort to these trickery methods because otherwise they couldn't survive this is how many people feed their children is through trickery it's really no different than like in the animal kingdom when you have a rattlesnake sitting in the grass all camouflaged and then some rat scurries through the grass and doesn't see the rattlesnake because it's so well camouflaged and it gets tricked and it gets killed and eaten well that's exactly what's happening but in much more devious and subtle ways within business within relationships and within culture and human society so just watch out for that it's sort of like if you were a rat and I was giving you advice to a rat one of the first things I would tell you is like be careful as you're running around in the grass over there because it's full of tricks there's all sorts of beasts that will trick you that are all well camouflaged and they will resort to sorts of sorts of tricks to to eat you that's very valuable to know and that's exactly what I'm telling you here is a human mankind has not evolved beyond trickery yet that's a higher stage of development we have yet to get to all right what's next this one's important this next point stop trying to get love from others or from things like I said in part one ultimately there's only two forces that are running your life fear and love and all like I said in part one if you've experienced trauma in your life especially the earlier the more this is a problem then you've been denied love that's what trauma basically is and you're gonna be desperate for love and that's basically what you're doing in life is you're like a rat running around in a field you're not looking for seeds you're looking for love that's what's really going on and so love is very counterintuitive because you think that you're gonna get love by getting others to fill your cup and so you're gonna be running around with your empty cup sticky in people's faces asking them to fill your cup for you begging them being needy try to manipulate and control others to give you the love that you seek this is the opposite of how love really works this is not going to produce satisfaction or good result in your life if you want good results in your life develop yourself to be a non needy person such that you are the one whose cup is already filled and you are the one who is filling others people's empty cups that's what life is really about that's what love is really about and how do you fill your own cup especially if you already are needy and traumatized and wounded and so forth you do it by developing yourself through spiritual practice and through creative work and passion that's what life is all about that's what really when I talk about investing in yourself and building yourself up and life is this do-it-yourself project what we're really talking about is that you're filling your own cup with love every single day you keep doing that for years and for decades until your cup runneth over and then you become a fountain of this love and you are able to give more and more and more of it until ultimately you become literally an infinite ever flowing fountain of and you are not limited in how much love you can give and you're always raising your own ceiling as to how much love you can carry in yourself and you become a superconductor for love you become an instrument a vehicle for love and then your life becomes about pouring it forth in various ways on to others that's the kind of loved life you want to live just think about it ask yourself put it in any struck terms do I want to be someone who's sitting there on the side of the road begging others to fill my cup with love or do I want to be the one who's already overflowing with love I have so much love that if someone comes to me begging for love I can give them some and then I won't be diminished by that I also have much more to give and I can give more to others which life do you think is a more satisfying life to live now I hear you saying but Leo my cup is so empty I don't know I don't know how to fill myself up how do I turn myself into this ever flowing fountain of infinite love I don't know how remember what I taught you in part one I told you that you don't need to know how you simply need to cultivate the vision and the desire and the intention to be a certain way it doesn't matter that you don't know how to not be needy right now set that as your goal make that your commitment and then you'll figure out how along the way there are many resources available to you on my channel and in many other places that's a very big topic I can't just explain it to you in a few sentences how to become non needy and how to overflow with love that's what my entire work is about my life's work here all of actualised I learned all the content that the hundreds of hours of content that I've generated is leading you towards that you will spend the next decades of your life learning how to do that this is a big accomplishments not something you do in a year or in a few months this takes real work this is that work that I talk about that's not the flimsy kind of work this is the real solid work that will pay you dividends for the rest of your life and it will lead to genuine satisfaction and not just some temporary pleasure or some temporary material you know achievement this is really changing how you are in the world it's changing your being at the identity level that's where your deepest results come from also stop trying to get love from things from physical things you buy that car why do you buy it because it gets it gives you a feeling of love you buy a house cuz it gets you a feeling of love you do some drugs cuz it gets you a feeling of love you know it's okay to buy a house I just recently bought a house so I can't criticize you for that it's fine to buy a house it's fine to own a car it's fine to even have a luxury car that's fine but stop expecting these things to give you love stop stop making these the things the source of your love these things should be tertiary for most people these things are primary because they don't know how to generate love within themselves so then the only substitute is to get love from the outside through purchasing stuff or to stuff transcend that whole paradigm by working on yourself by doing spiritual practice by being passionate about life one of the ways that you overflow with love is by being so passionate and following up on your passion see if you have a passion but you're not following up on it that passion will wither away and die like a fruit on a tree you have to keep tending and cultivating that passion and stoking it and growing it and feeding it and letting it like become this echo chamber where it amplifies itself and it permeates your whole life that's one of the ways the next important point I have for you is that there are many different stages of development that human beings go through and that not all human beings are on the same level of development these levels of development are totally different ways of looking at the world and being in the world and there's a certain sequence of these developmental levels and stages that people typically go through you can studies these developmental stages they can give you a preview and a roadmap of what kind of things you'll be getting yourself into in the next stage which can be very useful it can speed up your entire growth process and they can point out to you all the common obstacles and traps human beings have been developing themselves for thousands of years you see so we don't need to reinvent the wheel we don't need to act and pretend as though we don't know what the next stage of human development is we already know it because those humans already exist on this planet they're just in fewer numbers than the mainstream so by studying these rare more highly developed individuals we can see what the next stage of evolution is for mankind for society and also individually for you so I highly recommend that you make a study of these developmental stages I've devoted an enormous amount of time on my channel and on my website talking about these stages otherwise known as spiral dynamics but that's not the only model of these stages there are various other models out there ken Wilber has a pretty good model many other there's a whole basically field called developmental psychology which is the field of these different models of human development there's different categories and different levels of it and different degrees of it and so forth so studying these stage is very useful I've shared resources in the past I have books on my book list that explain these different models and developmental stages on my forum we have many examples and mega threads about these different stages so you can study them and see what the next level is for you what's holding you back from reaching the next level this is quite predictable stuff and it's one of the most one of the most useful tools in self-development is to understand the stages that are there and then even going beyond that what is really important for you to understand is that there are stages of human development that we could call superhuman these are stages of development and ways of being in the world that are so radically advanced and profound and different from whatever stage you're at right now when you're beginning this journey that you can't even imagine it you can't conceive of it and it would be so shocking and radical if you were dropped into it that you would have a hard time believing that such a thing is even possible or real and that's one of the challenges of this work is trying to communicate to you the superhuman levels of development and being that are possible for you but that you're just nowhere even near to actualize it yet or to seeing and therefore you won't believe it's even possible it seems like a fantasy and yet it's crucial for you to understand that these superhuman levels of development are possible to open your mind to this possibility so I'm being kind of vague here necessarily but what do I really mean by these superhuman levels of development see the mistake and I alluded to this in part one where I talked about how people are very different rember I said in their minds people are very very different don't just assume that everybody is the same than everybody is like you well what I'm saying here is that there exist rare numbers of individuals on this planet right now who are in such radically advanced stages of development and consciousness that we couldn't even call them human anymore they are beyond human this is a radical possibility that's not taken seriously in school and university by science or by most of the people that you know the chances are is that you've never met one of these superhuman developed people in your entire life if you're young you have no examples or role models like that this is a totally different way of seeing the world at interacting with the world it actually literally changes your perception of reality you will you will see physical objects in a different way this is not just some belief system or some ideology that you adopt it's not just that all you've developed yourself and now you have some extra wisdom or extra knowledge or extra experience about the world or you have some extra technical skills like you know how to program or you know how to do good art this is still all within the level of human I'm talking the level of superhuman I'm talking about being able to actually see physical reality in a different way to understand what reality is in a different way to have new capacities that ordinary humans do not have and while that might seem outlandish consider this the only reason it seems outlandish and fantastical to you is because all you know is the people around you and the people around you are extremely mediocre and they've never seriously developed themselves that's the only reason it seems outlandish then again if we go back into the history books and into the scriptures of every tradition all around the world in every culture we hear stories and myths of superhuman people now scientists of course look at that and atheists and skeptics look at that and rationalist look at that and they say oh well that's just myths and fairy tales what if they weren't myths in fairy tales what if actually you could develop yourself to such extraordinary degrees that you transcend your humanity and it would be as though you evolved into a new form of human in the way that a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly in a sense it's still a caterpillar even when it's about a butterfly but it's gone through such a radical transformation and it has such new abilities that we would call it super caterpillar and that's what I mean by superhuman I'm talking about a way of relating to reality and seeing reality that will that will explain it it's just it's not something you think is even a possibility and that's ultimately what we're trying to get you to true happiness and a true point of life is to reach these superhuman levels of development to break out of the mold of what you consider ordinary physical reality and all the limitations that come with it that's ultimately what all of this is leading you towards and you can realize that by studying these different stages of development and realizing that every stage is taking you higher and higher and higher and higher to the point where eventually you will transform from the butter from the caterpillar into the butterfly but that will probably take you decades of work and you will have to execute on all the stuff that I said in these two-part episodes and even more stuff beyond that and not that's what actualized utterly in my entire channel and all these videos and all of my teachings are ultimately here for is that I'm I'm creating a sort of a ramp that is helping to gradually move you up towards becoming this butterfly and the difficulty of it is is that you don't know you don't even believe that you can become this butterfly you have no idea what it means to be a butterfly and you never will until you reach some of these higher ways of being these higher states of consciousness but when you do what you get a little peek at it when you get a little taste of it then you will suddenly understand why all of this material that I teach exists why it's here for you to help you to move up to that and then you will really discover the true potential of this work it takes probably a decade of this work just to realize the true potential of this work and then that's when the real work begins only after a decade or so when you really realize what's possible and hey I haven't even reached the the the the end of realizing what's possible and I've been doing this for a long time and I've been using some very powerful tools and techniques for for this some unconventional techniques that are extra effective um you have to be really open about what the possibilities are the reason I'm telling you all this is because again this gives you a vision for what you can do with your life because it takes so much work so when it takes so much work to do this stuff to actualize it the only way you're gonna do that work is if you have some idea of the possibility of how amazing it's gonna be when you reach the highest levels see most human beings haven't ever lived they will die without realizing that superhuman levels of being were possible to them the entire time that they were alive but they were so lazy and complacent that they didn't note of the work to reach it they were so closed-minded and skeptical and cynical that they didn't bother to actually experiment enough with life to discover these human superhuman levels and all the people that tried to tell them about these superhuman levels well they dismissed them they criticized them they ridiculed them they poo pooed them and so they blocked themselves from this possibility so I want to make sure that you don't fall into that trap another point I have for you is that reality is perspectival relative and subjective what do I mean by perspectival sounds like a fancy word just means perspective it means that reality is perspective reality is not one-way reality is the perspective you take on it and everybody is taking different perspectives upon reality if you haven't noticed this people have very different perspectives than you one of the biggest mistakes people make is that they they cling to their own perspective and then they tried to denounce the perspectives of others because one of the challenges in life is that you are coming into contact with all these different perspectives and it's difficult to make sense of how people could have such radically different perspectives if reality is a material objective thing the way that science likes to say it is the way that most of us assume that it is we assume that reality is just this one thing and then sure we each have a perspective on it but there is that one thing that's there and what I'm telling you is that no there's no one thing that's there there's only perspectives the one thing that's there is an infinite number of perspectives and without those perspectives there's nothing there that's what we mean by perspectival relative and subjective and it's very important that you start to understand and appreciate this and that you study all the implications of this first what it'll do is it'll open you up from being locked into one perspective yourself and then it'll allow you to explore other perspectives and to appreciate them all and to become free of them all because every perspective is limited so what I recommend is that you go through life not trying to defend your perspective as though it's the only right one and not thinking that there's some one true perspective out there that people can have and all the other ones are false but rather look at reality as though there is no reality there's only perspectives and get curious and open enough to want to explore different perspectives explore perspectives just for the sake of exploring perspectives and your life will go much better than if you do what 99% of people do which is just defend their own perspective trying to trick themselves into thinking that it's the objective ultimate truth when it isn't really appreciate and fall in love with the idea that there is no reality outside of one's perspective of it this is not a problem this is not a bug this is a feature this is the beauty of reality is that it's not limited to being a specific way it's not limited to being physical in fact physicality is just one perspective upon reality the problem is that these perspectives we tend to get locked into them and we tend to want to believe that the perspective our one perspective is how reality is and that turns out to be very limiting see so rather than for example this is an analogy I used in part one where I talked about the operating system like you could be running a Linux operating system you can be running the Mac OS you can be running Windows or whatever else is out there actually there's there's a lot more than just three of them for the purposes of or analogizing here rather than having your mind stuck in one operating system what you want to do is you want to jailbreak your mind free it up so that your mind can operate on any operating system in a sense you want to create sort of a meta Universal operating system which is able to deal with applications from any of the other operating systems then you're free you're not limited or bound to one perspective to one paradigm and this makes your mind the most flexible the most creative and also you're able to appreciate the full diversity that constitutes life you see because when you're stuck in one perspective that's such a narrow sliver of reality you're missing out on so much of the beauty and the diversity that's that's there you're missing out on it think of all the software that a Mac OS user can't use or experience because they're stuck with mac OS or think of the software that is available on the Mac that you don't get access to on a PC but what if you weren't limited by any of those constraints you could just use any software at any time see that would be the ideal situation but the difficulty of achieving that in your life is that you have to be willing to detach from your own perspective you have to be willing to question your own mind at the core the kernel level and let go of those kernels that are grounding your sense of reality and that's scary that's difficult that's emotionally challenging to let go of those things because that's what anchors your entire sense of identity in life so I recommend you take that on as a project to explore more and more perspectives without getting attached to any particular one that's gonna enrich your life so much that's gonna deepen your ability to love and to understand it's gonna make you more creative it's gonna make you more flexible it's gonna make you less arrogant less selfish and as one of the final points here I want to stress that there's more happening in life than meets the eye ordinarily if you just kind of look around at people it just seems like well I'm a biological animal that was born into this reality and there's other biological animals and I can interact with them I can go to work I can make a living I can pamper myself with creature comforts like houses and cars and other things like this and I can make myself happy and that's basically what life is all about and that's it right no that's that's that's an extremely limited version of life life can be so much more than that but to discover that you're gonna have to go beyond materialism beyond what culture teaches you beyond what science teaches you beyond what your family and your parents and your teachers have modeled for you role modeled for you you have to go beyond all of that you're gonna have to go deep inside you have to really deconstruct your own mind and you're gonna have to you're gonna have to push yourself to lead a life that is not the ordinary get up go to work see your family and do it all over again the next day sort of life something much more profound is happening here then simply atoms bouncing around in space or physical objects existing or evolution unfolding or animals on some planet doing some stuff these are all very crude conceptions of life now here let me recap for you really fast the core values that are necessary the core principles that you need to follow to live the good life creativity heart love intuition independence of mind clarity of mind lifelong learning leading authenticity radical open-mindedness passion vision ambition purpose spirituality fearlessness truth raising your consciousness work ethic focus the ability to concentrate your mind wisdom service to others selflessness solitude and self-reflection questioning questioning everything curiosity and going beyond materialism and survival that in a nutshell is the foundation of what you need to live the ultimate life and then you got to follow up every single day every single week every single month every single year for decades upon all of these values and principles you got a hammer on them you got to contemplate them think think about them deepen them because it's not just a matter of oh and my passion or am I not am i loving or am I not am i authentic or am I not or like am i conscious or am I not know there's there's degrees enormous degrees and ranges and multiple dimensions to all of this so what you do is if all of this sounds good to you you commit to following up on it every single day and you keep reminding yourself that this is what you're doing in this life and then this is the the backbone of your whole life and everything else is tertiary all the entertainment and socializing and games and fun and all this you can have all that and you can still enjoy life what I'm saying here is not antithetical to the enjoyment of life it actually is the highest enjoyment of life possible but it also takes deliberate work and constantly reminding yourself because you're going to forget and you're gonna fall back down into complacency the fundamentals of life are pretty simple as I've laid them out here but executing on them is difficult because it takes commitment and you have to keep doing it day after day after day after day year after year after year after year and not get distracted by all sorts of silliness that is happening around you in society he takes a vision he takes courage it takes the willingness to go it alone because your friends and your family are not gonna join you on this journey your spouse is probably not gonna join you on this journey your children will probably not join you on this journey this is a rare journey that is done by one in a million people if not less of course you can find like-minded friends and people but if you want to go all the way to superhuman levels of potential don't expect anyone to come along with you on that journey you're gonna do it all alone or you're not gonna do it at all so how much are you willing to invest in your life that is the ultimate question how much do you want out of life what are you willing to settle for or are you not going to settle for anything short of superhuman are you going to honor your life and acknowledge the miracle that it is by working to actualize your full superhuman potential are you willing to sacrifice and to work and to pay the price for that too in in yourself every single day to push your comfort zone to ascend every stage that we have mapped and we know that humans are capable of ascending up are you willing to go to the very top your biggest obstacles here will be distractions complacency laziness and simply the fact that nobody else around you is doing it and you're gonna feel weird and they're gonna may say you and they're gonna discourage you and they're gonna try to drag you down like crabs in a bucket when one of the crabs tries to crawl out of the bucket the rest of the crabs pull him down so you're gonna need to have a deep commitment to this process a very long time horizon a deep motivating vision and you're gonna have to have confidence in yourself that this is the kind of life that you want to live you don't need to have these things at the outset out the outset most likely you're gonna be confused uncertain lacking confidence insecure needy broke desperate I've been there I've been there that's where I started that's where I started my process that's in a sense where all of us start we start in ignorance even worse than ignorance we start with a bunch of brainwashing from ignorant people that have raised us and dysfunctional people who have been bad role models and have skewed our idea of what is possible for a human being to become it's okay that you're confused and lost and ignorant and you don't you don't know everything you don't know how you're gonna get there it's okay to be insecure to doubt yourself all of that is totally normal especially if you're young if you're in your 20s totally normal but the one thing you need is you need that desire and ambition and passion to live an extraordinary life as long as you have that despite all that other stuff you will overcome it it'll take years but it doesn't matter because if your desire is strong enough it doesn't matter to you that something takes two years or even decades and it's not about reaching someone ultimate peak in life but then you reach that and then all that's it it was all worth it and everything else was just some grind to get there that's not it the journey is of course just as important as the destination the destination will be awesome but also enjoy the journey savor it this is life it's a miracle it's a privilege to be a part of it and working on improving your life is not a chore or some homework assignment that I'm forcing you to do it should be the very thing that you're passionate about for its own sake not to get to someplace where everything is perfect but the process of it is exciting you're learning new stuff you're facing challenges you're being creative you're discovering new possibilities you're on an adventure what more could you want from life you have a better idea of how to live if you do then do that again don't take anything I say here as a dog mom or as some blind belief but test it out in your life and see if these principles and these values and these tips that I've given you if they actually work and if they work and they're helpful then use them and those that don't fit you then throw those away alright that's it I'm done here please click that like button for me come check out actualize that org that's my website you'll find my blog you'll find the forum you'll find the book list a lot of resources that will help you on this journey and the life purpose course the life purpose course will pick up right where we sort of left off here and we'll take you even deeper into this process of self-discovery where it shows you how to discover your top values how to customize this whole process to your own personality your own strengths and then how to actually start taking action on it and developing a tangible career out of your passion so if you found value out of these two parts here out of this two part series then I highly recommend you check out the life purpose course which you can find it actualized org and if you'd like you can support me on patreon at slash actualized and that's it that's your life advice there will not be a part 3 I feel good in terms of everything we covered in these two parts to me this is the foundation I don't want to over complicate it really if you think about it on the one hand you could say well but Leo you've spent two hours in this episode and then almost two and a half hours in the previous episode seems like it's almost like four or five hours worth of material so it you did over complicate it's so complicated no it's really if you go through this if you take notes on it watch it a few times it's not that complicated I mean relative to the fact that we are talking about your entire [ __ ] life relative to figuring out your entire [ __ ] life what I've laid out here in four hours is not complicated right algebra is more complicated than the stuff I'm talking about here and you spent thousands of hours learning mathematics throughout 12 grades of school and all I'm asking here is is four hours for a plan for your entire life it's not too much to ask it's not too much to ask to what to ask you to rewatch this a few times understand the value of this sometimes people criticize me for olio your videos are so long why don't you just condense them because by giving you short 10-minute videos which I could do but I don't want to do I would actually be wasting more of your time if all you're watching is these short little 10 minute videos here and there about how to improve your life you're never gonna get to the to the real stuff that's gonna transform your life you're gonna get some frivolous surface-level [ __ ] which is gonna leave you unsatisfied and you're gonna be chasing your tail running in circles alright the videos are long because yes it's a few hour investment but this few our investment recognize how much it's giving you recognize how much perspective it's giving you recognize how much different stuff were integrating and the nuance we'll bring into this and all the examples this is this is giving you such a deep understanding of what's being talked about here that any 10 or 15 minute video could do see so actually you're saving yourself time by watching these longer videos because then you actually understand think of how much time you waste when you misunderstand something and you go off and you do foolish things and you fall into various traps because the thing isn't properly explained to you you could easily lose years of your life doing that so don't don't take this material for granted keep reminding yourself that you've discovered a gold mined here not because I'm some important person but simply because this is rare material and it's gonna change your whole life if you follow up on it it's not gonna change your whole life if you just watch it that's not enough but at some point into watching it you're gonna reach a point where it clicks for you and you're gonna say oh oh oh oh I started this process thinking that I'll just watch these videos and my whole life will become as Leo says but now I realize oh I'm gonna have to work for it oh no I'm gonna fit work my ass off art oh no oh no I didn't think it would be that hard I thought I could just watch I thought I could just listen to this while I'm cooking dinner or something and I if I listened long enough while I'm cooking dinner then my life would be all actualized and and good no it won't be but at some point it will click for you that you have to do the work and you will be grudgingly start doing the work and you'll whine and your [ __ ] in your moan and you'll procrastinate and all of this you'll play all these [ __ ] games but eventually you will put yourself on track and you'll build slowly build momentum and build momentum and eventually 5 10 20 years later that's when all of this all of these seeds will will flower and that's when you'll really understand why I was pressing you so adamantly to be serious about this work then you'll understand and that will be my reward for doing this work you see I'm not doing this work because I get paid money for it I mean I do get paid money for it and I can't complain it's not it's not bad money it's pretty good money but that's not why I do this work I do this work so that 20 years from now you can say to yourself leo holy [ __ ] Wow I could have never known it was so good why didn't you tell me it's so good and then you realize Leo you couldn't have told me I would have believed and you see that's my reward and I don't even need you to say that I know that those of you who will go through it and we'll get there will realize that and that's my reward you